Council meeting
Attend in person or online. Voice your opinion. City hall @ 6:30 pm. Agenda is posted on the website @
Neighborhood Watch Program Reboot
This is an organizational meeting. Will update with details.
Door Knocking / Canvassing
Volunteer your time to improve your city. Everyone who is able, please join us this week: Canvas Project… 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Saturday, October 22nd Heritage Park Please recruit […]
Candidate Meet and Greet
Open to Suisun City candidates and of course the public. Round Table Pizza will be the site. 288 Sunset Ave Suite J, Suisun City, CA 94585
Come out for the family fun. Ask me questions and share your ideas. First Christian Church 199 Marina Blvd, Suisun
Council Meeting
Get informed and involved. City Hall Council Chambers 6:30pm
Meet the Candidates @ Marina Lounge
I'll be at the Marina Lounge form 6:30-8 with a few other local candidates. 700 Main St Ste 106, 94585, Suisun City
Virgil’s Bait Fish Fry
Join the end of the Striper Derby. Food and music. 201 Main St, Suisun City
Election Day!!
In person voting day!
Volunteer Appreciation Night / Election Day
We are gathering to honor our dedicated volunteers. Food and beverages will be provided. Time to be announced. RSVP